Tuesday 22 May 2007

Khoodeelaar! court action to stop Crossrail hole plot against the East End of London - list of key defendants

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Khoodeelaar! the Brick Lane and Whitechapel and Stepney London E1 Area Campaign against the Crossrail hole Bill and the campaign in general for the social, economic, environmental and democratic and constitutional and legal defence of the East End of London

Editor©Muhammad Haque


AADHIKARonline Editor’s note – summarised version viewable HERE
ADHIKARonline 8th Edn of the day 0705 Hrs GMT Tuesday 22.05.2007
Khoodeelaar! No to CrossRail hole plot attacks on the East End of London
Khoodeelaar! Claims in the claim form being filed in the High Court in London this week – summarised texts abridged from the formal versions the of claims against the following will be published on this and on the associated Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole plot against the East End of London web sites [and also be published in the print editions of the Khoodeelaar! No to CrossRail hole plot bulletin] :-

Crossrail hole Bill promoter, Secretary of State [the main minister fronting the Department for Transport in the UK] [this list is indicative of the range, not the exhaustive list] of the defendants and or the 'respondents' in the series of court actions being started by Khoodeelaar! [See the legal action programme files published over the past 40 months for extensive references to the grounds, the bases and the legal reasons for the action/s]
The CLRL company
Transport for London
Owen Whalley
Christine Gilbert

[to be continued]
Khoodeelaar! print editions have been distributed in the Brick Lane, Whitechapel and Stepney London E1 area since 1500 Hrs GMT on Monday 21 May 2007.
Next editions will contain details of they demonstration against ‘Planning Aid for London’ and against the Crossrail company set to start digging bore holes in London E3

From the previous versions of AADHIKARonline as published on the internet today, Tuesday 22 May 2007
The Muhammad Haque daily [‘UK constitutional and legal] commentary

0350 Hrs GMT London Tuesday 22 May 2007
Khoodeelaar! Legal – and, emphasising the point, CONSTITUTIONAL law challenges to the crassly conceived, Big Business ploy for robbing the UK public purse, the Crossrail hole scheme scam project Bill, are being commenced this week with the filing of the first of the series of claims by Khoodeelaar! in the High Court in London.

The process is going to be long and unglamorous. And arduous. It is also the only way that the very seriously flawed and unsound Crossrail hole plot is going to be examined in ways that ought to have happened within the forums that allegedly exist with the mandate of the people – the UK elected bodies like the House of Commons. That the UK House of Commons has failed to make the scrutiny of the contents and the implications of the ‘Crossrail Bill’ possible shows the bankruptcy of the ‘elected’ parliament. Whether that moral, political, democratic [in the sense of 'being related to the level of democracy and to the abuse of democracy' - not to be confused with 'in accordance with the universal rules of democracy'] bankruptcy has been caused by Big Business directly dictating the agenda and the terms of reference of the actual application of the allegedly democratic powers as available to the allegedly elected representatives is not possible to be ascertained, identified, explained by reference to any actually written evidence of how the Blaired UK House of Commons has been used or , more accurately on the facts, abused [by the Blairing regime] to deprive the people the say that the people are supposed to have the right to get aired through the House that exists in the name of the ‘common’, the ordinary people. But the way that the ‘Crossrail Bill’ ‘select committee’ [in the UK House of Commons!] has so far behaved leaves no room for doubting its actual allegiances – they have been unconstitutionally aligned to the promoters of the Big Business Crossrail hole plot. Just like the CrossRail hole line has been misaligned and the misaligning of it done in a way that the Big Business plotters and their touts in place on the ‘local’ Tower Hamlets Council wanted in order to achieve their sinister purpose of sneaking in a plot that would be impossible to get past the people if the people were allowed the say on the implications, the effects, the losses to the peoples’ lives and to the peoples’ environment that the misaligned p line would cause…All the allegedly objecting petitions ['against the CrossRail Bill'] that were formally submitted [September 2005] before the bogus select committee on the UK House of Commons were shown to have been being of a standard and of a significance that were higher than any action that the sane objectors could take on the ordinary street level. That was because there is the brainwashed emptiness in the physically [biologically] located upper chambers of the ‘leaders’ in sections of the interests and the factions [as 'recognised' by the poodling UK state ] who still ‘believe’ [quite 'dispassionately' passionately and fanatically 'sombrely'] that anything located in or near ‘Parliament’ is by definition ‘higher and more important’. That that is a lie has been exposed repeatedly and consistently in and THROUGHOUT the history of the struggles for rights that have been witnessed in even the most zombified, brainwashed-populated [not to speak of CCTV-ed and otherwise spied on] of western societies, that is the UK.. With the legal challenges being filed this week, we are about to witness the spectacle of the emptiness of human rights in the UK courts system as well… Then the journey will reach the European human rights processing courts…
That processing experience will be one of those revealing, educational ones which are of necessity necessary so that the sham claims about democracy, about Parliament being the representative of the people can be again exposed… and the people - and their attention, limited though its span may be - drawn to the need to assert their universally derived inalienable right to say the truth and demand the truth…
[To be continued]